My life journey changed after I visited SevaDham.

I was going through a very rough period in 2007. My in-laws and my husband abandoned me and my son and filed a false case against me. They harassed me a lot. They dragged me and my son to court and police stations. I was mentally disturbed and didn’t know what to do or what step to take.

After visiting SevaDham things changed for me and miracles began to happen.It was with Papaji’s blessings that my life changed. Guruji Maharaj protected me and my family. Today my son and I are safe and living in Dubai.

Although my husband visited Dubai twice, he could neither touch me nor my son. He tried his best to bring court orders to Dubai but failed miserably. I trust that I am protected by Guruji Maharaj and nothing can harm me.

I am very grateful to my in-laws and my husband because their karma pushed me to take Guruji Maharaj’s ‘Aashray’. They indirectly guided me to the right path which changed my life.

Jai Gurudev
Seema daryani